:: Ramblings of a geeky Muslimah~ :) ::
- loves geography and physics

Saturday, 17 March 2012



taken in Glacier National Park, USA 

seem like I couldn't take off my eye from this picture
one word
"SubhanAllah!" :D

the only colours I've known across the skies are the ones made by stars (white) and aurora borealis (colourful)
I didn't realize coloured skies actually envelopes the whole of our earth

that green one?
that's called Airglow

The gold to green line of airglow, caused by excitation of upper atmosphere gas molecules by ultraviolet radiation, parallels the horizon line (or Earth limb). 

High above the Indian Ocean, astronauts captured these image of the Aurora Australis and surrounding airglow in the Earth's atmosphere as the ISS orbits quickly past. (NASA/JSC) #

try holding up your hand to the night sky
can you see them?

The photographer's (Bob King) words: 
"The night sky’s aglow with more than comet tails. Some of you have been lucky enough to experience truly dark skies without any city lights in sight. The best places, and I’ve only been to a few of them, are a full 360 degrees of darkness, unblemished by the glow of distant towns. Even under these circumstances, you can always see your hand when it’s held up to the sky. Why is that?

Stars contribute about half of the light at night. The rest comes from a phenomenon called airglow. Yes, the air actually glows all night long. During the day, energetic ultraviolet light from the sun breaks apart molecules of oxygen and nitrogen, and jiggles around the electrons in sodium atoms in our upper atmosphere. At night the excited molecules "calm down" and recombine, emitting red and green light in the process.

Combine airglow and starlight and throw in some snowcover, and you’ve got enough light, even in Earth’s darkest places, to recognize a face or find your way along a road. Cosmic rays also contribute a small fraction of light to the sky. These are subatomic particles careening around the galaxy like kamikazes, ready to zap the atmosphere of any planet that gets in their way. When they strike, they excite atoms and molecules just like the sun’s rays. As the electrons and atoms fall back into place, they release particles of light called photons that contribute to the nighttime illumination.

Although airglow is colorful, it’s far to faint to stimulate our eye’s color receptors, so it looks like faint white streaks and glows. As with so many dim things in the sky, only long exposure photography makes the colors pop.*

Airglow is present everywhere on Earth, but can only be seen from very dark places, where it can’t be confused with man-made sources. If you live where darkness rules, allow your eyes a good 20 minutes to "dark adapt", and then scan about one to two outstretched fists above and all around the horizon. Does the sky look a little paler there? If so, it’s likely the glow of busy molecules reuniting 60-80 miles over your head."

*Unlike the aurora, the airglow is visible all over the globe. Though brightest 10-15 degrees above the horizon it fills the sky. It is strongly coloured yet it is without colour to our unaided eyes because its light is below their threshold of colour perception. From orbit it is a green bubble enclosing the world. 

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another eye and mid-boggling fact
do you know there are holes in those airglows?
and do you know how rain came about?
the rain-cloud formation? yeah, we know about that

hoho..brace yourself and open your heart and mind.

From: http://www.quran.org/science/comet.htm


It has been shown that Islam is not in conflict with science and that Al-Qur'an does not contradict or negate modern scientific findings or discoveries. On the other hand Western scholars have praised and credited Islam for the preservation and advancement of scientific knowledge by Muslim scientists, physicians and technologists. 1.400 years later, modern science is bringing to light the truths on confirming what has been revealed in Al-Qur'an. A learned Muslim will find in the Qur'an scientific truths and realities.

Qur'anic Revelation

"Have you not seen how Allah drives the clouds, then gathers them, then makes them layers, you see the rain come forth from between them..."

Here Allah Ta'ala is describing the formation of rain clouds and the rainfall from the clouds. This phenomenon is very common and known to the human being. But what is not known to the human beings are the truths that are found in the following ayat from the Noble Qur'an. 

"...and caused water to descend from the heavens.."
[Surah Baqara:22; Surah Ibrahim; 32; An-Nahl 10 & 65]

Now the question is why does Allah Ta'ala say that He causes the water to descend from the heavens, in contradiction to the An-Nur 24: 43 verse cited above. If carefully studied, the followi:ng verse makes no sense and the disbelievers would belittle the Noble Qur'an word of Allah. 

"...He sends down from the heavens from the mountains therein of hail..."

Hail is frozen rain or stones of frozen water. This ayah very clearly states that Allah sends down from the heavens mountains containing balls or comets of ice. According to this ayah, mountains of ice or comets of ice are sent down from the heavens (space) towards the earth. Until 1986 this phenomenon was not known to mankind. In 1988 this phenomenon was confirmed scientifically.

Scientific Discovery

The story of this startling scientific discovery and its confirmation by experimentation is worth mentioning here. 

Dr. Louis Frank, a Physicist of lowa, lowa city, studied the data gathered from 1981-1986 by Dynamic Explorer I Satellite. The satellite took ultraviolet images of the earth, particularly the air glow around the earth. In these images Dr. Louis Frank found holes punches through the atmosphere. These holes could not be explained. He discarded dozens of explanations after analyzing them. He finally concluded that the holes could only be made by snowballs or comets of ice coming from space. He estimated the weight of each comet to be 100 tons and they are coated with black hydrocarbons. They are falling on the earth at the rate of 10 million a year (27.397 per day or 19 every minute). 

The snowball or comet of ice measures about 30 feet across. Dr. Clayne Yeates, a Physicist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California told this writer that the comets of ice or snowballs are moving at 10 kilometers per second (21.600 MPH) relative to the earth and at about 1.000 km. (600 miles) above the earth, They break up (into hail) due to tidal waves and would then flash to vapor in the atmosphere. Finally the vapor would fall as rain and joins the earth's water cycle. Dr. Louis Frank's calculations show this would contribute the equivalent of one inch of water all over the earth's surface every 10.000 years. The earth was formed 4.9 billion years ago and if this has been happening since formation of the process it would provide enough water for the oceans and the polar ice packs.

Experimental Proof

Dr. Yeats used a powerhl space search telescope at the Kitt Peak Observatory in Arizona. Using this telescope he scanned the snowballs or icy comets. By swinging the telescope, similar to a shot gun at a skeet shoot, he photographed the descending icy comets approaching each. He told this writer that viewing through this telescope he was able to see the icy comets 150.000 km. or 90.000 mile above the earth (or the heavens). Dr. Yeates said, "It was remarkable. The results agreed exactly with the predictions." 

Dr Ibrahim B. Syed,

Islamic Research Foundation

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..and another
airglow can also be tsunami early detection system

From: http://www.scidev.net/en/news/global-tsunami-monitoring-could-follow-from-discovery.html

Global tsunami monitoring could follow from discovery
Henrique Kugler
18 August 2011

"[CURITIBA, BRAZIL] A scientist's chance glimpse of a reflection in the atmosphere of the tsunami that devastated Japan earlier this year could lead to the first global tsunami monitoring system — which could also be faster and more efficient than the current systems.

Researchers from Brazil, France and the United States, using a highly sensitive, wide-angle camera at the top of Haleakala volcano in Hawaii, detected the 'airglow' signature in the atmosphere of the 11 March tsunami that devastated Japan, demonstrating that the genesis of a tsunami leaves a fingerprint in the ionosphere — an ionised zone of the atmosphere more than 80 kilometres up.

Tsunamis usually cause the sea level to rise rapidly by a few centimetres, which displaces the air immediately above it. This creates waves in the air that move quickly upward, eventually reaching and disturbing the ionosphere. Interaction with the charged ionosphere creates a faint red glow, the signature airglow that can be detected."

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"maka apakah mereka tidak berjalan di muka bumi, lalu mereka mempunyai hati yang dengan itu mereka dapat memahami atau mempunyai telinga yang dengan itu mereka dapat mendengar? Karena sesungguhnya bukanlah mata itu yang buta, tetapi yang buta, ialah hati yang di dalam dada."
- Al-Hajj,22: 46