According to Bible- Book of Exodus (When Moses Passing through the River with other believers, Pharaoh and his party followed them, then Moses Struck the water with his stick, and Miraculously the water did split and path created through water,MOses and Believers Passed through it but when Pharaoh and his party was passing through, The split water flowed again, and all were Drowned,(According to Bible and Quran).
But Quran says more about the fact,in Chapter 10 verses (90,91,92)
90- We took the children of Israel across the sea. Pharaoh and his army followed them aggressively and sinfully. When drowning became a reality for him, he said, “I believe that there is no god except the One in whom the children of Israel believe. I am of those who submit.”
91- “Ah now! For you have rebelled in the past, and you did mischief.”
92- “Today, We will save your body, so that you may become a sign to those who come after you. But verily, many people are heedless of Our signs.”
In this verse Allah says that He has preserved the body of Pharaoh as a Sign for the future generations.
The Quran disclosed the fact of the preservation of the body of Pharaoh after Pharaoh was drowned. It was new news for the world to know.
Then 1300 after revealing the news in the Quran, Allah showed the body of Pharaoh to the world……. So well preserved in the tomb at Thebes in the King’s Valley, Egypt.
This Body of Pharaoh was discovered in 1898.
Note: Would you Imagine A Pharaoh drowned 3000 years ago, and still body present with Flesh and bones.
If you think that this mummy might be secured using Chemicals, Thats Non-sense.For the sake of Arguments if it is true,
Then who preserved this mummy before 1898 in River.(definately preserved by God almighty in accordance with his promise , which God did in Quran.
PROVED: This is discovered by the Non-Muslim (Dr. Maurice Bucaille) in Early Seventees. He was From France and one of the world's Top Surgeon's and Scientists. He was asked to go to Cairo-Egypt to examine the Mummy of Pharaoh. AFter being Examine he Proved that this man was died of Drowning(His lungs filled with water and he died from this). and This mummy time period belongs to the time period of Moses(peace be upon hm). when he came to know that This is already mentioned in Quran about the preservation of the Pharaoh's body, he was so Amazed and Shocked.
Then He was introduced to the subject called Arabic Language because he wanted to know about Quran, So he can translate The single word of it. He Continued his study until he managed to go to the desciplines of Geology, Geography, Astronomy, Embroylogy, and prove without any shadow of doubt, that every single reference in Quran to Science is Proven to be absolutely Correct. Then he wrote first Book published in French First, and then Translated into English, The name given to this book, "The Bible, The Quran, The Science".
Allah Almighty revealed: "Have you not considered how your Lord dealt with 'Aad -
[With] Iram - who had lofty pillars,
The likes of whom had never been created in the land?"
Quran: Surah Al-Fajr, 89:6-8
"Noah's people, when they denied the Messengers We drowned them, and We made them as a sign for mankind. We have prepared a painful torment for the Dhalimeen (polytheists and wrongdoers) Also Ad and Thamud and the dwellers of Ar-Rass and many generations in between. For each of them We put forward examples (as proofs and lessons etc), and each of them We brought to utter ruin (because of their disbelief and evil deeds).
Al-Firqan, 25:37-39
"Denied before them (these pagans of Mecca who denied you, O Mohammed) the people of Noah and the dwellers of Ar-Rass, and Thamud and Ad and Pharaoh, and the brethren of Lot, and the dwellers of the Wood, and the people of Tubba, everyone of them denied their Messengers so My Threat took effect."
Qaf, 50:12-14
Iram would seem to have been an ancient 'Ad capital, in southern Arabia. It boasted of lofty architecture ("lofty pillars"). Some Commentators understand Iram to be the name of an eponymous hero of the 'Ad, in which case the following line, "with lofty pillars", should be construed "of lofty stature". The 'Ad were a tall race. This tract of southern Arabia was once very prosperous (Arabia Felix) and contains ruins and inscriptions. It has always been an object of great interest to the Arabs. In the time of Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan (602–680) some precious stones were found among the ruins in this locality. Ubar is believed to have been the Omanum Emporiam, Irem (Iram) That Al Emad (Imad), Wabar, Ubar or the mythical lost city in "Arabian Nights" Omanum Emporiam was first mentioned in about 200 AD by Arabian geographers when it was described as a major market town in the "Empty Quarter" and at the crossroads for the frankincense trade. Irem That Al Emad mentioned in the Holy Quran 400 years later was a city of doom because of its sinful ways. It was believed to have been built by King Shaddad ibn Ad to recreate his idea of paradise, where he gathered gold, silver, pearls, amber and other precious things to make a city of beauty. The city was left crumbled and buried beneath the sands of the desert when God sent a great wind to destroy the corruption of wealth and delights of the flesh of the people of Ad. Bakheet tells us that when the city crumbled it was the result of something like an earthquake and that the city fell into a kind of hole in the ground just behind a large hill, atop of which remains one of the ruins. The walk down the hill to the hole is a bit of a slope and proper shoes are recommended. As it would turn out, the Arabic word Shisr is the word used for such a hole. Hence, the town of Shisr. Yaqut Al Hamawi, the famous Arab geographer, described Wabar as "the land which belonged to Ad in eastern parts of Yemen and which is today an untrodden waste owing to the drying up of the desert."
The discovery of the city at Shisr came as a result of scientific research and sheer accident. In the early 1990's archaeologists launched a major expedition to find the lost city. They used satellite pictures taken over the desert, revealing old caravan routes. A group of Bedouins led the archaeologists to the area at Shisr, which they thought had ruins. A settlement was discovered beneath the sands, an ancient well which supplied the settlement with water. There were remains of walls, towers and gates, which indicate an extensive town. Pottery, glass vessels and incense burners, dating back to the era between 1000 BC and the Islamic era 900-1400 AD, were also found. Archaeologists believe Ubar was the principal center of the north bound overland trade route to the north of the Arabian peninsula and to the Sumerian civilization in the south of ancient Iraq. Trade and frankincense and Arabian horses flourished from Shisr. Queen Sheba is believed to have traveled to the region for supplies of frankincense and stories narrate the tales of her offerings of frankincense to King Solomon. Also, "Modern archaeologists have identified ruins at Shisha, Oman as those of Irem (Iram), better known as the lost city of Ubar. This was a fortress city not of "pillars" but "towers" (which is the same word in Arabic). It served to protect the caravans traveling the frankincense route from the gum tree groves through the land of Ad into the Rub al Khali. Founded 5,000 years ago, Ubar was built around a natural cistern of water which provided a unique oasis in the Empty Quarter. 150 people lived in the fortress surrounded by perhaps 3,000 travellers encamped in black tents, resting before continuing their journeys. The city disappeared around 300 CE. According to legend, the buildings were thrown down as punishment by Allah for the wickedness of its ruler."
"maka apakah mereka tidak berjalan di muka bumi, lalu mereka mempunyai hati yang dengan itu mereka dapat memahami atau mempunyai telinga yang dengan itu mereka dapat mendengar? Karena sesungguhnya bukanlah mata itu yang buta, tetapi yang buta, ialah hati yang di dalam dada." - Al-Hajj,22: 46